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Opus Nihil: Dissolving Compulsions

Underground, I sat next to the crystal-clear lake, sublime, untouched, pure.
It doesn't need anything, besides being contemplated for it's own beauty.
[...] Should I dump black ink into it ?

What is it that you truly need ?

Do you even know what you truly need ?

Look back the last 10 years of your life, did you always need the same things just to live ?

Did you take up habits over that period of time, things that you did not even need in the first place ?

Let's take the most common: Alcohol, Coffee, Tobacco, Weed, and similar substances. Do you actually need those ?

Upon the crystal-clear lake, What would happen if I threw poison into it ? I want to see.
I like what happens when i throw it in there, i think i want to do it again,
[...] I've been doing this for a while, I think i need to keep doing it

At first it may just be wanting it, but over time it may turn into the illusion of needing it.

After indulging into those things for a while, do you even want them ? is it true that you need those things ?

Lock yourself up for one full week, with only 2 meals per day, and water. Are you still alive after that week ?

You don't need anything else. Work that poison out of your system.

What is it that you truly want ?

Do you even know what you truly want ?

Look back the last 10 years of your life again, did you always want the same things ? Or did the things you wanted for yourself change over time ?

Most likely, if you have a very active life, the things you wanted at one point in life, you no longer wanted them the next month.

Perhaps even, now you realize that you didn't truly want those things in the first place.

We all try to get more of something, whatever staircase you have found, be it Money, Power, Fame, or Substances
We all want to get more of something until we arrive at infinity, but that will never happen by doing additions.
The only way to arrive at an absolute, is by subtracting. You can arrive at emptiness, not at fullness.

Truth is, the content of our minds change on a regular basis, you can't ever be sure you truly want something, in the long run.

Moreover, is it something that YOU want, or is it something that someone else wants you to pursue ?

Maybe you don't truly want something in the end, how can you be sure you're not chasing someone else's dream ?

Lock yourself up for one full week, with nothing to do, observe yourself and how your mind starts to act up.

The poison is not only physical, it also comes in the shape of thoughts that are not truly yours. You need to work that out of your system too.

Nihilism: Dissolving Compulsions

Modern Nihilism, as i am arrogantly pionnering myself, is a set of sentences, or mantras, to be repeatedly mentally thought of, in order to change yourself from within, this aims to alter your perception, your beliefs, and your actual sense of self.

Inhalation: "I want nothing"
Exhalation: "I need nothing"

It doesn't matter what you currently think you want, or what you think you need. It's an illusion anyway. And to be able to get rid of those compulsions, you need to uproot them from your mind directly.

It is all up to you. Are you going to need a cane to walk forever? Are you going to seek puerile pleasure all your life? Stop being what others want you to be, dissolve it all. Hit that reset button.

Repeat that mantra for a while, keep doing it as long as you need to, until all the poison has been worked out of your system.

The lake has not been clear for a very long time, but it needs to become clear again, and to be kept clear.

Once the slate has been wiped clean, once clarity is back, think for a while. What is it that you truly want to do with your life ? What will bring you the most satisfaction, until the very end ?

In that moment of clarity, decide for the next 10 years, what will your life be about. Then stick to it, no matter what happens. If your mind deviates from that goal, dissolve the falsehoods again, and again, keep the lake crystal clear, every day, only then will you function at your peak.


Until there is Nothing left.

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